Omie Tapa: Bark Cloths from PNG
Showing 1–9 of 32 results
Ananas Oviro b. c1963 Sidoraje, Savodbehi Mijome odunage – body tattoo & vines growing over water. Nioge
Avami Ajiro b. 1967 Mia’eraje clan Savodibehi village Avami Ajiro b. 1967 Mia’eraje clan Savodibehi village
Bettrisha Bojugo b. c1962 Idoraje, Savodibehi Imeahe – stem of the sugar cane 2018
Brendon Bojugo. B 1995 Sidoraje clan Savodibehi village – Sodereje – patterning inside ice formed on the mountain homelands of the Omie Nioge
Dangel Sirimi. b 1982 DETAIL: Nuanohu’o de Jonohuo sine sore – torso tattoos Nioge
Delma Huvanipa 1975 – 2019 Evoraje clan, Gora village Siha’e – Sandalwood fruit 2018
Drussella lji Umasiha b. 1979 – 2023 Sahuote clan, Asafa DETAIL: Nunie, obohutague sine sore – Eye and tattoos Nioge
Drussella lji Umasiha b. 1979-2023 Sahuote clan, Asafa Nunie,Sabue ah’e Gotahe – eye and tattoo design. Nioge
Elizabeth Ruvosemi l’eama b. 1981 Sahoteraje, Asafa Odunaige, vishu ljahe, Dahuro’e, Ore Sige – unfurling ferns, teeth of a fish, mountains, pathways 2019 Nioge
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- Fiona Barrett-Clark
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- Hiren Patel
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- Jacki Fewtrell Gobert
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- Judy Brownlie
- Julianne Ross Allcorn
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- Kate Nielsen
- Kay Wood
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- Kobie Bosch
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- Lisa Hoelzl
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- Lucy McEachern
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- Lynne Flemons
- Lynne Mak
- Martin Campbell
- Matilda Michell
- Matthew Fennelly
- Melanie Vugich
- Mellissa Read-Devine
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- Paul Gorjan
- Petra Reece
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- Rhett Brewer
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