Greg Hansell

Many of Greg Hansell’s paintings highlight his perceptions of the Hawkesbury, where he has lived for more than 30 years. In a recent talk given by historian Carol Roberts, presented as part of the History Council of NSW 2017 Speaker Connect Program, Carol explored the three factors of place, history and art, and how Greg’s artwork can provide an entry point both for an understanding of significance of place and provide opportunities to link art, history and heritage. Greg Hansell crushes rocks and clays to make his own pigments and, with no added binders, creates earth pastels with colour permanence of the highest rating. He also paints in oil. He is one of our 'living legends' in the Hawkesbury and is an unassuming gentleman of great talent. Greg states that most of his work has been inspired by the Renaissance masters and the natural beauty of the Australian countryside. His work represents the traditionalist or realist school of Australian painting. He relishes detail and loves the serenity of drawing historic houses and the Victorian clutter of their interiors. As well as beautiful iconic Australian landscape images, he is well known for his corrugated iron series and artworks with witty, often political titles. Greg is the Art School Director of the Royal Art Society of NSW. He has been a finalist over 20 times in the Archibald and Wynne prizes and Salon de Refuse and was awarded a Centenary of Federation medal in 2001 for services to community arts and Windsor Library.
